Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Route Map et al

Message from the Editor:

Dear All -

Just a very quick note to do a couple of things:

1. Commend Spencer Rolls on a superbly valiant effort during the London Marathon. Despite not having Project 65 plastered over his chest, he still managed to get himself both on the BBC and in The Sun! I've also seen the Facebook pictures of his chafing - not pretty!!

Well done, Spence - keep up the good work and let your example be a shining light to all other runners in their sponsorship efforts!

2. To remind you all that there are now 5 weeks and 1 day till H-Hr. Rory reckons that you should be banging out 40 milers by now....! No comment on that as I was out of breath running for the bus this morning!

3. To point out that the route map of the run is now downloadable from the website at this address in a fantastic powerpoint presentation by Danny Greeno that was clearly worth waiting for! Please do promote this link when you do all you promotional work as it will benefit you to have people turning out to cheer you along the route!

4. To congratulate you all on your training, committment and sponsorship raising efforts. The final push is about to start, and if what I'm hearing is correct, there could a massive surprise in store for us all - no more to be said on that at the moment, suffice to say, don't give up... It will be worth it eventually!

Take care, and keep banging out the (s)miles!

See you at Woburn.


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