Friday, May 22, 2009

Tarrant Rushton today.

A new blogger joins us. Rob Smart writes:

The final two weeks to the run! I’ve begun my taper and am set to be ready for the run come June 4!

As part of my last big run I took myself down to Dorset to look at the area of the route. I paid a visit to the starting point at the airfield. Knowing the history made it quite spooky walking around. Trundling up the access road from Tarrant Rushton towards the footpath access at the western side of the site, I wondered how the men from the Oxf. and Bucks Light Infantry must have felt when they were transported to the same airfield 65 years ago, knowing what they were soon to embark upon...

As far as my own feelings go, there’s nerves borne of respect for the distance, combined with gladness to be nearly ready to go. I emerged into the west part of the airfield and immediately saw why it was used to launch gliders from. It’s fantastic - you can see for miles. It’s so quiet now, it’s difficult to imagine what the atmosphere must have been like on June 5 1944. The area must have been completely locked down.

I’m glad to know I’m not the only one carrying injuries. I must have over trained a bit at Christmas and have been dealing with a groin injury. I’m defeating it though. I’m determined to enjoy the experience. I’ve also decided on my solid food to carry with me - honey and peanut butter sandwiches. I’ve also been trying out a carb loading regime that I read in a Sir Ranulph Feinnes fitness book. I’ve been taking 800g of carbohydrate within 60 minutes of hard exercise. I read elsewhere that caffeine accelerates the body’s absorption of carbs so I’ve followed the food with a double espresso. I haven’t yet figured out if it’s making my body store more glycogen for the run, or whether it’s just an excuse I’ve given myself to eat like a glutton!!!

Looking forward to meeting everyone on the day. From reading this blog over the past few months, and chatting to others taking part Project 65 is going to be a great experience. For me it will definitely be one of the things I’ll be glad to have done with my life, on top of being able to be part of raising money for forces charities and honouring such a special military feat.

Good luck to everyone,


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